Let’s cut straight to the chase.
Last year, I became a heavily profitable trader by using the NFT trading tools we will discuss in this article (below).
With me, I have @suppvalen: a data, stats and analytic expert that is well-known for writing long form content on NFT data within the Solana & Ethereum ecosystems.
I (Lite) will be writing the first half of the article and Valens will take the second half. We’ll keep our descriptions and explanations as brief as possible, so you can test the tools out for yourself. Enjoy.
1. HelloMoon
HelloMoon is a Solana based data infrastructure platform that provides and empowers the entire community with developer tools.
The protocol has changed quite a bit since when I first discovered it. I recommend looking at the other content and tools they have to offer; including (but not limited to) the DeFi, Swap and Portfolio tabs.
The NFT tab is the most helpful option as far as insights and trading goes. In my opinion, this is where the platform really shines.
‘Smart Money Inflow’ and ‘Top Social Buying’ are the two tabs that help me the most with identifying where money is flowing and what people are talking about most on social media. ‘Top Movers’ is self-explanatory.
I’m not a huge fan of the whole “smart money” term when it comes to trading NFTs (mostly because in the traditional sense, “smart money” refers to capital that is controlled by hedge funds, VCs, institutions and banks), but for the sake of seeing what whales are eyeing, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for trade setups.
2. Tiexo
Tiexo describes itself as an “All in one NFT Marketplace and Data Aggregator”. I’d say the description is pretty spot on.
I like to think of Tiexo as a slightly more extensive, heavily data focused version of HyperSpace. I love HyperSpace to death, especially when it comes to trading NFTs, but I prefer Tiexo for getting all of my information in one place as fast as possible.
The site is UI friendly and is usually where I start my research before I dive deeper into tools such as SolSniper and CryptoSlam. Overall, Tiexo is a staple in my NFT trading tool arsenal and I hope that you like it as much as I do.
Hey! I’m Valens. I’m going to break down 2 tools next that I constantly use and have helped me find key info during my journey.
3. CryptoSlam!
‘CryptoSlam!’ isn’t a specific SOL NFT tool per se, but it contains data from ALL blockchains that have NFTs, which includes Solana. I use CryptoSlam! a lot since it stores historical volume data per month, unique buyer/seller count, the avg selling price of NFTs, etc.
It has helped me decipher whether NFTs might be entering a bull/bear phase, and figure out what’s affecting or impacting NFTs (for example Oct 2022 was one of the lowest volume months for SOL NFTs when the royalties discussion was happening, which was one of the factors that caused a lot of uncertainty in the chain), and also examples of bullish volume months happening and figuring out the why, notice details that others don’t, and more.
4. Sol Sniper
SolSniper is an NFT data analytics platform, it has a ton of features, including one of the newest ones which is the “SNPR50 Heat Map” similar to the stocks market heat map. Some of its features are:
Some features:
SOL stats (market cap, volume, buyer count, etc)
Trading live view & sniping
Price and listing count history of collections (two of my fav features)
As someone who loves to analyze why the market is reacting a certain way, these two features that store historical data in the collections help me decipher what caused an ATH/ATL, how NFTs are evolving, what impacts the market, and more.
Closing Up
I hope you found some value from this article. While these tools are not guaranteed to make you money, they will give you a much more refined understanding of the market and will ensure you aren’t walking in blind.
Invest Responsibly — Lite (& Valens lol).
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Very informative thread by my favorites Lite and Valens! Loved reading it 🫶🏼
Notes taken!