Life is good, but it wasn’t always that way.
There was a time where I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was going and no one to guide me. Hell, everyone seemed to be just as lost as I was… until I found out the very information I’m about tell you in this article.
My only regret? I wish I found it sooner.
I don't know everything.
But I know one thing to be absolutely true:
We live in a digital golden age of information; A technological renaissance or revolution of sorts. We have more data readily available at our fingertips than former presidents, kings and dictators had in their entire lifetime.
Information grants opportunity. Opportunity tends to lead to success. These truths are mostly inescapable.
People from even a decade ago would kill for what we have now. They would kill for ChatGPT or Discord. So, let’s run a little experiment:
Say we take 100 young adults and start them even at the age of 25. They are all passionate and eager to be successful.
But by the time they turn 65:
1 will be rich.
4 will be independent.
5 will be living paycheck to paycheck.
The rest will be broke.
What the hell happened?
I am parroting this info to you from Earl Nightingale's ‘Strangest Secret In The World’. The secret itself actually isn't strange at all.
Fair warning: Your life may never be the same if you continue from this point on.
"The opposite of courage isn't cowardice; it's conformity."
Breaking It Down
The video is great, but it's only a piece of the pie.
There are four working parts to this:
Distraction Elimination
The Strangest Secret In the World
The Law of Causation / Circumstance
Before we hop into the really interesting part of this article, we need to get back to basics. Without a proper base layer, none of this information will work.
Take it seriously.
Meditation: I use Daily Calm. Think of it as a gym membership — exercise your mind.
Exercise: A simple PPL routine.
Diet: People overcomplicate diet with fads like 'keto'. Just eat food that won't kill you. Look into super foods like kale. Here’s what I use for Macro Tracking.
Sleep: 7-8 hours.

We live in a world full of distractions pulling us in hundreds of different directions. In my article of books I recommend, we talk about Atomic Habits by James Clear.
James mentions that the inversion of the 1st Law of behavior change is to "make it invisible". Write down 5 MAJOR distractions in your life. Then make them invisible.
Not only do you want to make your distractions invisible, you want to make them incredibly inconvenient and/or difficult to execute.
5 Distraction Examples: 1. PS5, 2. Drugs, 3. Phone, 4. Clubs, 5. Netflix
Sell or give away your PS5.
Delete your dealer’s contact information
Lock your phone or tablet away in a safe or drawer when you’re studying.
Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ around the time at night when your friends invite you out to clubs.
The Strangest Secret…
People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. You become successful as you progressively realize a worthy ideal.
On an airplane, the pilot takes you to your pre-planned destination, correct? Imagine waking up to the pilot landing on a random island because he or she was half-asleep and left the aircraft on ‘auto-pilot’.
It sounds funny but we do this all the time in our own lives. Step 1 is that successful people have goals. You need goals to succeed.
Step 2?
Your life will never be the same if you understand this next line: The key to success is that we become what we think about.
Read that again.
The key to success is that we become what we think about.
If you think negatively, you will achieve negative results. If you think the opposite, you will achieve positive results. If you think about nothing, you will achieve nothing. — Because you are no different than the pilot dozing off and putting his or her life in the hands of auto-pilot.
This is the strangest secret in the world.
It's a "secret" because few know about it, despite the message tracking back to biblical times.
It's simple, yet ask anyone what the secret to success is and I bet you they won't have a confident answer. That's why it's so "strange".
The Law of Causation
Everything around you was created by someone.
Every cause has an effect, and every thought is energy. Through ACTION, you have direct impact on everyone else’s reality. You can paint on this canvas of life, or not. The canvas will simply reflect what you’ve painted.
The canvas is static energy. It doesn't care if you paint or not.
Thought. Action. That is all.
You can plant poisonous seeds that strip life away, or plant seeds that grow sweet fruit. The idea that "circumstances control us" is crap. There are circumstances outside of your control, but you have a say in how they play out in your own life.
You reap what you sow. You can create your own circumstances.
We become complacent because the most important things in our lives have been free. Our brilliant minds, beauty, thought processes, talents… they’ve all been free. For some of us, everything has been handed our way. We take these things and life in general for granted.
But complacency breeds contempt.
I’ll leave you with an exercise from Nightingale himself.
Grab a notecard.
On one side, write down ONE specific goal. On the other side, write "I can be what I will to be." Look at it every day for the next thirty days. If you forget a day, start over.
If you have negative thoughts, start over.
When you make it to thirty days, shoot me a message. I’d love to hear about your experience. — Lite.