Some of my most successful friends are also some of the most humble people I’ve ever met. They are the extremely focused, ‘move in silence’ type. They are casual millionaires, constantly looking for ways to 10x their 10x. They literally buy expensive 1/1 art for fun. They sweep floors without thinking twice.
In my head, they’ve definitely made it. They probably wouldn’t agree with me.
Success [ suhk-ses ]- the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.
For successful people, success is akin to breathing. Stopping at any point would be equivalent to death — it is simply not an option. Some would call this type of behavior “obsessive”… and to be fair; they might have a point. Regardless, the wheels simply don’t stop turning when you’re in this state of mind.
Many investors often struggle with constant feelings of inadequacy. It can be draining to keep up with yourself, especially when your ambition outpaces your mental health. These are the ingredients for sleepless nights and the 7-day work week mentality. It’s fascinating and dangerous all at the same time.
I joined the Solana space last October. If I’m being honest with you, my first month or two is all but a euphoric blur to me now. However, I do remember a few things; One of the things I explicitly remember was this “WAGMI” term flying around everywhere. I had no idea what it meant at first. But, eventually, the term was burned into the pink flesh of my memory. I’m sure it was burned into yours as well. Like livestock, we were branded into hustler culture — a space flooded with non-stop information, instant gratification and fiat obsession.
It isn’t like this for everyone, but in a space where time moves faster than it should, it’s nearly impossible not to compare yourself to others. Which brings me to a question I’ve been asking myself for a while — What exactly is “making it”?
Are You Happy?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think you can put a dollar amount on success. Success looks different for everyone. “Making it” doesn’t mean making a million dollars, maintaining a profitable business or traveling the world as a JPEG-flipping digital nomad… or maybe it does. It all depends if you look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself one important question:
“Am I happy?”
I hate to put things in a box, but I believe if your answer to the question above is a resounding “yes!”, then you’ve made it in your own way. You should take a deep breath and thank yourself if this applies to you.
Don’t feel bad if it doesn’t apply to you just yet.
In order to get to that “yes”, you will have to do some real digging. You might have to clean up your credit, look for different ways to acquire passive income, or even switch up your entire lifestyle and move to a city far away.
Just remember to take mental health breaks. Go outside (lol), meditate, talk to your loved ones, take a weekend trip, try some new food, pick up the phone and dial up an old friend. The list goes on — you know what to do.
Most importantly: Zoom out.
Don’t let the grind consume you, but don’t ever become complacent.
No one said it was going to be easy, and to be honest, would it be desirable if it were?
I don’t think so either. — Lite.
great read lite
another banger