Facebook, Google and now even Amazon are hovering the Web3 gaming & NFT space.
You were here first, so you get first dibs… But sadly, being early isn't enough. Capitalizing on specific knowledge is crucial — and it’s the only way to become sought after in this upcoming market.
I’m dead serious. Read this before it's too late.
#1: Learn a Skill. Now.
To make money, you need to learn a skill that is sought after, so that you cannot be easily replaced. Not only is this job security; it is freedom.
I’m talking about specific knowledge. If you can be easily replaced, you should be worried. The world is evolving and I genuinely predict that AI will slowly begin to replace easy-to-execute jobs that don’t require specific knowledge.
If you’re reading this, you’ve stumbled upon a niche industry (Web3). You’re already steps ahead of the average person that has closed themselves off to the evolution of the new world. Now let’s take it a step further: Let’s find a niche skill within the umbrella niche of Web3.
A few ideas:
Rust DEV
Web3 Data Analyst
Web3 Consulting/Advising
Web3 Financial Advising
Web3 Focused Content Writing
Web3 Brand Ambassador
Web3 Marketing or SMM
Web3 SEO
You really want to learn a skill within this industry; fast.
Amazon is already hiring Web3 Developers at scale and there is some serious cash on the table. They are going to be paid more than most high-level engineer professionals simply because they possess skills that nobody else in the world has. This is key… but time is ticking.
I really recommend checking out Buildspace. They have free, in-depth courses that will take you to the next level. Do this before the rest of the world catches on.
#2: Become the Best.
I know it sounds dramatic. That’s the point.
This is the mentality you must have. You must become so good at this skill that anyone who questions or doubts your ability will either look envious or foolish. Your skill, for the most part, should be undeniable.
This point is important. People will attempt to call your bluff. Your job is to ensure this “bluff” does not exist.
#3: Be Consistent.
Show up every single day. Especially on the days you don’t want to show up at all.
Your absence should send people into a frenzy. People will depend on you. Be prepared for this, as it is a side effect of the game you are choosing to play.
Consistency kills. Inconsistency kills too; just not in the good way.
#4: Give value. For Free.
Value is simply information or services so useful that it could technically be sold as a product.
You don’t want to give out all of your value for free… not forever.
But you should continue to provide it to people, even long after you’ve monetized your skills. This is how you can build social presence/proof.
Today we have multiple ways to share value to people at scale, faster than ever. It can be done via social media, YouTube, free content and more.
People may question ‘why’ you are doing this so often. Ignore. Rebuttal with more value. Don’t forget this point.
#5 Guard Your Reputation.
Guard it with your life. There’s no wiggle-room here.
If you screw this part up, nothing you’ve read here matters.
Wrapping Up.
Do the above for 24-48 months consistently and you will become incredibly sought after.
Remember: The key (or goal) is to be the best. Mediocrity won’t do.
Derivatives, clones and copies of you will spawn. They may even try to live vicariously through you for profit…
But none of them will ever be well equipped enough to replace you. — Lite.
big brain tutorial, let’s see how 2023 treats the doers 👀🙏🏼