Concentration is a super power.
Here are five simple ways to increase your focus today.
1. Set Goals
On a piece of paper, write down 5-10 goals that you'd like to achieve this year.
Meditate on the ones most important to you. Circle three only.
Cross out the rest.
The three you've circled are your goals. The ones you've crossed out are the distractions.
2. Dopamine Detox
Dopamine is responsible for our pleasure and motivation.
In the modern day, instant gratification is everywhere. Drugs, video games, porn...
It's harmless, but with every high comes a crash. After a dopamine high, the baseline shifts lower.
This is why people that play video games 24/7 are like "zombies".
They don't even seem to enjoy it anymore.
They need to play more to experience the same high (addiction) because their baseline is MUCH lower than normal (depression).
You can detox. But I have a better fix.
3. Distraction Elimination
Write a list of your bad habits.
Don't just detox for a day. Eliminate them for good.
Your baseline will shift to normal. You'll have more control over your impulses and avoid short term gratification.
Less distractions. More focus. Better rewards.
4. Meditate
Meditation is great for increasing concentration.
We're constantly surrounded by noise. Now, for 15-30 minutes a day you get to block it out.
Focus on the breath. It takes time to master; but it's well worth it.
I recommend the Calm App. It’s worth the money.
5. Routine
This one is simple enough: Write down a routine and try to stick to it.
This works especially well if you've eliminated distractions.
You'll have nothing else to do.
We're creatures of habit. That's why routines work.
I use Notion for mine.
That’s all there is to it. Everyone is capable of improving their concentration and achieving their goals. You just need a little focus.
Don’t sell yourself short. — Lite.