10 EASY Ways to SCREW Up Your Financial Freedom:
Follow these steps if you want to screw up your chances at achieving financial freedom.
Wanna lose all of your money? Read below.
1. Spend money on liabilities
Simple enough. Buy stuff you don't need, instead of slow-growing assets that generate you more money.
2. Don’t track finances
Never, ever track your finances. This guarantees you have no idea where any of your money is going.
3. Gamble
Develop a crippling gambling addiction, and refuse to acknowledge the differences between gambling and actual investing.
4. Worship Money
Again, pretty simple. Put money on a pedestal that it never asked to be on.
5. Evade taxes
Don’t report your capital gains. Wait for the IRS or similar entities to find you.
6. Waste time
Show up every single day to "participate" in a market that you aren't truly invested in. Scroll aimlessly and social media and engage in drama regularly.
7. Trade Time
Trade all of your time for money, instead of finding ways to trade money for more time you will never get back.
8. Trade in Reverse
If you wanna lose money, here’s the blueprint: Be greedy when others are greedy and be fearful only when others are fearful.
9. Don’t Plan
Never think about the future. Don't have an emergency fund.
10. Work Less. Believe in Luck.
Read this: "The harder you work, the luckier you get"
Refuse this notion. Demonize the lucky instead of simply working harder.
Follow all of these steps if your goal is to screw up your chances of achieving financial freedom. I guarantee this is the quickest, easiest way to do it.
If you want the opposite result, well, you know what to do.
Get to work. — Lite.